
Art Supplies

After a lovely few days staying with friends in Kent, I have returned full of enthusiasm (sort of !!) and also really pleased to be able to pass on a great new art supplier I found completely by chance as we were walking through the lesser trodden ways of Canterbury. 
It’s becoming increasingly challenging to find somewhere to stock up on art and fabric colouring supplies, so Chromos is a real find.  They have an online catalogue at http://www.chromosart.co.uk/ so you don’t have to be in the area to shop.  Some of the goodies I saw were:

  • Felting needles and pads of all descriptions
  • Really cheap canvas stretchers of all shapes, sizes and depths
  • Glue, glue and more glue – seriously I have never seen so many different kinds!
  • More colouring mediums than you could shake a stick at
  • Batik supplies
  • Direct dyes, procion dyes etc

They were also really friendly and helpful, which can be invaluable if you’re not quite sure what you want.

Joan Harrison Bursary

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